Earn $2.5 daily with ease


          Earn $2.5 Daily with Ease                                                                                                                                                                 

I am here to show you how and where you will earn $2.5 daily with ease.

You only need to work for about 20 minutes

Take note, no investment is required, it is absolutely free.

Materials you will need:

A computer set

Internet connection

Google or facebook account

20 minutes of your time

Do you know that telegram recently launched their unique crypto currency called Gram?

They explained that, they launched their crypto currency to solve the problem common to all major crypto currencies. Other crypto currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have low transaction rate per second.

For instance Bitcoin can provide only 7 transactions per second for all users, Ethereum can only provide 15 transactions per second. However the Gram is expected to provide millions of transactions per second. According to the developers Gram should become the crypto analog of Visa and Mastercard.

Now they are recruiting workers who are meant to handle transactions.

All you need to do is register with them here.


Your Daily tasks after registration

Observe the menu by the left hand side on your dashboard.

Smart contract; you need to confirm transactions daily and sign any that is due daily by just clicking and choosing ok

Videos: You can watch their video advert

Free Roll: you can play the free roll game

                          Your reward

Each 1 minute video you watch you earn 0.1Gram, you can only watch a maximum of 5 video adverts daily

Smart Contract signing: each time you sign a contract you are credited with 0.3Gram

Free Roll: each free roll game will give you 0.1Gram, you have a maximum of  5 rolls per day at an hour intervals. However a lucky roll can earn you up to 100Gram.

Total Daily earning

Video:               0.1 × 5= 0.5Gram

Free Rolls:        0.1 × 5= 0.5Gram

Sign Contract:  0.3 × 1= 0.3Gram

Total daily earning   =    1.3Gram

Currently 1Gram exchanges for $2, therefore 1.3Gram converted to dollar  1.3 × 2 = $2.6

Also for each action you perform you earn points which are credited to your account.

If you perform all the above actions daily, you will earn about 20 points, but you need 100points to move to a new level. So as a starter you will be at level 1, but after 100points you will move to level 2 and you will earn a bonus of 2Gram. You need about five days action to go to a new level.

                                  Withdrawal of your Earning

 As at this time the minimum withdrawal is set  to 500Grams.

But you can easily reach this threshold if you refer your friends. They give you 5Gram for each referral you bring. So if you refer 100 people in a week you will be credited with 500Grams.

That is 500 x 2= $1000.

But you need caution while trying to bring referrals. They are more concerned with referrals which are ready to work. So if you refer people who will not work or at least reach level 2, you will not be able to cash out.

Therefore, when referring friends, you need to take time to explain to them how the system works. They need patience to earn and withdraw their money.

You have nothing to lose the money is completely free.

See proves of payment




              Register here now